


The City of White Hall and Crenshaw Springs Water Park management want every park guest’s visit to be safe and enjoyable.

By entering the  park, guests agree to the following rules:


• All park guests, including chaperones, parents or guardians, must pay the daily fee or use a season pass to enter the park.

• Guests who wish to leave and re-enter the park on the same day must obtain a hand-stamp; failure to do so will incur another

  admission fee upon re-entry.

• All children under age thirteen (13) must be accompanied by at least one parent or adult over age sixteen (16).

• Groups of children must be accompanied by one adult per five (5) children. (Example: Six (6) children require supervision by

  two (2) adults.)

• Only registered service animals are permitted; other animals and pets are not allowed.

• In case of park closure due to inclement weather, guests may receive a raincheck in exchange for a receipt showing they

  entered the park less than one hour prior to early closure. Refunds are not allowed.


• Only U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices (PFDs) and children’s “arm floaties” and “puddle jumper” swim vests

  are permitted; other “inflatables” and pool toys are prohibited.

• Firearms and weapons of any kind are prohibited.

• Coolers, foods and beverages – except those for medical needs or infants – may not be brought into the park.

• Alcoholic beverages, recreational drugs, cigarettes and other tobacco products are prohibited on the park grounds, either

  inside or outside the fence.

• Sound systems, including “boomboxes” are prohibited.

• Guests may listen to music on mobile devices, only with earbuds or headphones, but may not take devices on pool equipment

  or into the water.


• Only garments specifically designed for swimming – without buckles, buttons or other adornments –  are permitted in the water;

  athletic shorts, cut-offs and street clothes are prohibited.

• Swimwear must provide adequate coverage to meet decency requirements; thongs and swim trunks worn below the natural

  waist are prohibited.

• Running, pushing and “horseplay” are prohibited.

• Public displays of affection, profanity, obscene gestures and aggression are forbidden; violators will be ejected from the park


• Abuse or mistreatment of park property and equipment is strictly prohibited.


• All guests who intend to enter the water are strongly urged to shower upon entering the park.

• Children who are not potty-trained are required to wear swim diapers (available for purchase at the shop inside the park).

• Guests who are bleeding or have open wounds are prohibited from entering the water.

• Expectorating, nose-blowing and urinating in the water are prohibited.

• Food and beverages are permitted only in areas identified by signage, not in or near the water.


• Children aged three (3) or under must be kept within arm’s reach of the accompanying adult; park staff will give two

  (2) warnings before ejecting violators.

• Guests under age 18 must be able to pass a swim test before entering water more than four (4) feet deep.*

• Diving is permitted only from diving boards; diving from the pool edge is prohibited.

• Guests swimming in the designated deep area, diving or using the slides must be able to swim (1) one width of the pool.*

• Swimming in the diving or slide-plunge areas is prohibited.

• Inflatable swimming aids are prohibited on or near diving boards or slides.

• Only one diver is permitted on a board at any time.

• Divers must leave the boards from a standing position; “trick” diving is prohibited.

• A guest must weigh less than 300 pounds to use the large slides, and less than 200 pounds to use the small slides.

• Children must be at least forty-eight (48) inches tall to use the large slides.

• Only one guest is permitted on a slide at any time.

• Footwear, jewelry and loose accessories may not be worn while using the slides.

• Guests are not permitted to “catch” other guests in the plunge area of the large slides.

*Lifeguard is authorized to require a swim test of any guest at any time for any reason.


• Lifeguards and park staff are authorized by the City of White Hall to strictly enforce these rules using their best judgment,

  in order to maintain a safe, enjoyable environment for all guests. The lifeguard’s word is final; arguing with the lifeguard

  is futile and will likely result in ejection from the park. Escalation of a dispute will result in law enforcement involvement.

• Personal belongings that are left at the park will be collected by park staff at day’s end and stored in lost-and-found;

  guests may contact the park office for retrieval of lost articles.

• Neither the City of White Hall nor park staff may be held responsible for loss, theft or damage of personal belongings.

• The City of White Hall reserves the right to amend or append these rules at any time, as the need is determined.