
Do You Know How

Crenshaw Springs water park

GOt its Name?

“Crenshaw” was given to the natural spring-fed creek in what is now White Hall, as it was believed the land through which the creek flowed had once been owned by a family named Crenshaw. In the 1800s, people traveling by horse and wagon from Little Rock to Pine Bluff would stop at Crenshaw springs to enjoy the clear water. Whether swimming, washing clothes, or watering their horses, travelers often returned to the area because they knew “good water” flowed there. Attracted to the clean water, travelers began settling around the creek.

Eventually, the settlers built a small, one-room structure for church services and group meetings at the top of the hill next to the spring. As the building’s clapboards had been painted with whitewash, everyone in the area referred to it as the “white hall” and it became the most prominent landmark.

In 1964, the community officially became a city, and the town was named the City of White Hall in honor of its history. As the water park was being planned, officials wanted to honor the heritage of the White Hall community and settled on Crenshaw Springs Water Park, hoping that the “good water” would continue to bring new travelers to the area for recreational enjoyment.